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  Material / Research Men's Organizations +
Men's Networks


This selection of internet addresses regards events and organizations against
men's violence, to which men are the main contributors and which are
exclusively addressed to men and boys. A number of further sites can be found
in a search engine by using the key words "violence against women" or
"domestic violence." For the most part, they are geared to the victims and
those who help them.
Links to men's counseling centers are not listed here, but can be found under
Counseling centers.
Should you discover further sites by men for men on the theme of violence,
please let us know! e-mail

As a matter of principle, the following applies:
Those responsible for www.4uman.info expressly distance themselves from
the entire content presented on sites linked to www.4uman.info and wish to
make known that they have had neither influence on the design or content
of the linked sites, nor have they made any of this content their own.

...and these are websites which refer to us:
Netzpiloten logo

  www.dbsh.de Deutscher Berufsverband für Sozialarbeit,
Sozialpädagogik und Heilpädagogik e.V. – DBSH
(German professional association for social work,
social education and educational welfare)

  www.maennertreff.ch Finds and publishes all possible – and impossible – men's meeting places in Switzerland.

  www.sozialinfo.ch An internet portal for social workers in German-speaking Switzerland.